Uurrecordpoging Christien Veelenturf
17 images Created 27 Jul 2014
Christien Veelenturf is bezig met de uurrecordpoging voor vrouwen, dat met 84 km/h in handen is van Barbara Buatois. Veelenturf moet later de poging afbreken door technische problemen.
Christien Veelenturf is riding her attempt to break the world hour record for women, currently hold by Barbara Buatois with 84 km/h. Veelenturf has to stop the attempt due to technical problems.
Christien Veelenturf is riding her attempt to break the world hour record for women, currently hold by Barbara Buatois with 84 km/h. Veelenturf has to stop the attempt due to technical problems.