20 images Created 19 Oct 2010
In de Expo in Houten is Mata Amritanandamayi, beter bekend als Amma of 'hugging mother', aanwezig om mensen te omhelzen en te inspireren om een betere wereld te maken. Amma is een van de twaalf meest invloedrijke spirituele leiders van de wereld. Het driedaags benefiet in Houten is het grootste spirituele festival in Nederland en zal naar verwachting 15.000 bezoekers trekken.
In the Expo in Houten people are gathering to get a darshan, or hug, by Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma or 'hugging mother'. Amma is travelling through the world to hug people for inspiring them to make a better world. Amma is one of the twelve most influence spiritual leaders of the world. The event in Houten lasts for three days and is the biggest spiritual event of The Netherlands.
In the Expo in Houten people are gathering to get a darshan, or hug, by Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma or 'hugging mother'. Amma is travelling through the world to hug people for inspiring them to make a better world. Amma is one of the twelve most influence spiritual leaders of the world. The event in Houten lasts for three days and is the biggest spiritual event of The Netherlands.