Congres 50Plus - 50Plus convention
15 images Created 14 Jul 2012
In Hilversum houdt de 50Plus partij haar verkiezingscongres. Tijdens het partijcongres wordt Henk Krol gekozen tot de lijsttrekker. Jan Nagel is de partijvoorzitter.
The 50Plus party, a political party aiming mostly at the people of 50 years and older, is having its congress in Hilversum. Henk Krol, former chief editor of the Gaykrant, is elected as leader. Jan Nagel is the chairman.
The 50Plus party, a political party aiming mostly at the people of 50 years and older, is having its congress in Hilversum. Henk Krol, former chief editor of the Gaykrant, is elected as leader. Jan Nagel is the chairman.